Tuesday, July 3, 2012

It’s July and It’s a Hot One

This time last year, Brian and I were headed off to Oregon for two weeks. We left just in time for a heatwave. I spent most of the time worried about my garden even though I had set some sprinklers on timers. Well, here we are in July again and it’s another heatwave. Temps in the 90s, feeling like more than that. I can practically hear my garden begging for water. I can certainly see it. The hydrangeas are always the first to let me know by showing signs of wilt. Can you see the heat radiating from these photos?

The hot sun is beating down on the Raspberry Wine Monarda, the Purple Coneflowers, the white Phlox David and the white Butterfly Bush...

The Flower Garden.

The Purple Coneflowers dance in the wind, relishing the breeze on this sweltering day.

Purple Coneflowers and Raspberry Wine Monarda behind them.

The sun ducks behind the clouds briefly and the flowers breathe a sigh of relief.

Raspberry Wine Monarda, white Phlox David, Purple Coneflowers.

But that hot sun is back again, peaking through the trees.

Blue Hydrangea, purple Geraniums (the perennial kind), Monarda and Coneflowers.

One plant that seems to shine brightly in the piercing sun is the Shasta Daisies. They look positively radiant. They look so jolly, as if they are smiling and laughing in the blazing sunlight. Daisies are one of my favorite flowers. One of my mom’s favorite, too.

Shasta Daisies.

This one isn’t in the Flower Garden, it’s in a corner by the greenhouse. I planted this pup of a hydrangea a good four or more years ago and this is the first year it has bloomed. It really has taken a long time to grow, but it seems pretty happy right now. I think it’s happy because it’s in a shady spot! It’s kind of amazing to me that I can actually remember the name of this hydrangea when I planted it so long ago: It’s Sheila. It’s a lace-cap variety.

Pink Lace Cap Hydrangea.

Well, better get out there and water so there are still plants left after this heatwave ends.

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